Having a bright smile is always a top priority. 

Millions of people make sure their smiles are whiter by using some sort of teeth-whitening product each year. 

In particular, whitening strips have recently become increasingly popular.

Why? They are easier, cheaper, and more convenient than many over-the-counter teeth-whitening products.

However, are whitening strips bad for your teeth? Should you stop using them? 

Many of our patients here at Yonge & Seven Dental Care have recently asked us about the safety of using whitening strips. 

We want to make sure our community gets the right information about using whitening strips, so keep reading this article to find out. 

Can whitening strips be bad for your teeth?

Are crest whitening strips bad for your teeth? Well, it can depend on different factors.

In general, using whitening strips correctly is safe for most people.

However, if the instructions aren't followed and the strips are left on for too long or used too frequently, they can harm the teeth.

To understand why, let's review the components of whitening strips: The active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide.

This ingredient will whiten your teeth, but if not used properly, it will also harm the enamel, and enamel damage is irreversible.

Another factor to consider is whether your whitening strips contain chlorine dioxide. 

Chlorine dioxide is not a game. This component can also destroy tooth enamel; this is risky and can lead to permanent damage.

Do whitening strips damage enamel?

The short answer is yes; whitening strips can damage tooth enamel if used incorrectly or for too long. 

But let's see the reason behind that.

Your teeth have three layers: enamel, dentin, and connective tissue. 

The dentin layer is especially important. It is rich in proteins, including several types of collagen, which play a crucial role in supporting and strengthening the enamel.

Tooth enamel is the hard, shiny outer layer that covers each tooth. It is the hardest substance in the human body, even stronger than bones!

But how can whitening strips damage this tough substance?

A team of researchers at Stockton University were also curious about this.

They conducted a study using extracted human teeth to understand how whitening strips could potentially damage the structure of teeth.

They applied whitening strips to the teeth and watched the protein levels within the dentin layer to estimate the impact.

The findings revealed that hydrogen peroxide, the primary ingredient in many whitening products, weakened the dentin layer by causing the collagen proteins to shrink. 

Teeth that were treated with whitening strips three times showed significantly more damage, with collagen proteins reduced to even smaller sizes.

Why use whitening strips and why not?

Whitening strips are simple to use and can be applied at home without needing professional help. 

You can easily find them at pharmacies and online, so they're convenient. 

These strips are designed to remove stains caused by aging, smoking, and consuming certain foods and drinks, such as coffee and red wine.

On the other hand, overusing or incorrectly using whitening strips can wear away enamel and cause tooth decay.

Whitening strips work well for mild to moderate stains but may not give great results for heavily stained teeth or for those looking for big changes. 

If you have crowns, fillings, or bridges, whitening strips will not work on those teeth. 

Among the side effects of whitening strips are gum irritation or tooth sensitivity. 

But if you use them correctly, everything should be ok. 

How to use whitening strips safely?

When whitening your teeth at home with whitening strips, remember to follow these precautions:

Why consider professional teeth whitening over whitening strips? 

While whitening strips are convenient, they are not the safest or most effective way to get the bright, white smile you desire.

When used incorrectly, whitening strips can be very dangerous for your smil

The hardest substance in our body is enamel, but once it's damaged, it cannot regenerate, leading to serious issues.

Instead, professional teeth whitening is safer and more effective. 

Many patients undergo teeth whitening at Yonge & Seven Dental Care. 

This procedure lightens the color of stained or discolored teeth, resulting in a brighter and more youthful appearance.

You can be next; book an appointment here. 

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